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Consider Spring Cleaning

Written by SimpleLaw | 4/28/22 3:15 PM

For some these words evoke a feeling of torture. I remember in my teen years having to clean the base boards and walls every spring. Spring cleaning was a dreaded thing, even if it was so much better afterward. And, although spring cleaning in the home continues, the expansion to your personal and professional life is a valid one. It's a great opportunity to take some time and consider things that need some tidying up. Like base board cleaning, things are so much better after. 


Every year, and likely at the start of the new year, many people make efforts to broaden their horizons. To that I say huzzah! So important to have a full life beyond your profession and family, although clearly those are a priority. But with the best intentions, we can overextend ourselves.

What activities or groups have you volunteered for or joined that just aren't bringing you the 'joy' you had hoped? It may be time to step back or step away entirely. It's ok to give things a try and after giving them a shot, step back. Consider your time as the most precious asset you have because, well, it is. You only have so many hours in a day, week, month, and year. Be selective about how you spend them.


Perhaps you find yourself with a bit of extra time on your hands, either after walking away from a previous commitment or cutting back on that binge life. In any case, maybe it's time to get out there and try something new. Here in Chicago, the beach volleyball groups are forming. Sure, it's still in the upper 30s at the end of April (!) but summer is coming soon, I just know it. You get the idea. Think of something you want to try. Broaden those horizons. 

Maybe you want to get in better physical shape. Perhaps a cooking class or learning a new language are on your list. Professionally, it could be extending your practice areas or getting some additional CLE. Consider your options. But don't overextend. The point here is to have some fun, make some professional or personal progress. Especially attorneys who work so many hours, in an often stressful role, with heavy demands, mixing it up is key. Get out there and have some fun.

Online Life

Do you really need to watch TikTok? How much time are you spending watching brain numbing social media content or streaming endless content? Consider putting yourself on an 'online diet'. Consider dropping a social media platform, if you have a personal profile. Sure, it's a great way to stay connected but you want to know another option? Pick up the phone. Go for a visit. We all know and 'love' online meeting tools. Make more time to connect in person. It's far more fulfilling and meaningful. Not ready to give it up entirely? Try cutting back. Most mobile phones these days have the built-in tool to track your activity on your phone. Monitor how much time you are spending, and where, and cut back where it makes sense.


Habits are hard to break. And until your existing option no longer exists, there's no need to change. One of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday was going to my local music store and sampling the many CDs from artists they had available. It was great, but a limited number, of course. Well, that store closed. And now I sample on a music streaming service, and have access to even more variety and continue to find great music, beyond what was available in that brick and mortar store. 

Consider the technology you are using. Certainly, if it's working, then there are no real issues. But there is an opportunity cost. There are options out there that are better. Consider some spring cleaning for your tech stack. You don't know what is out there until you look, for yourself. And we hope you will consider SimpleLaw. 

Whatever you choose to do, whether it's the base boards, trying that new fitness class, or taking  a demo of some legal tech, take the opportunity to get some spring cleaning in. It will be so much better after you do.