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Simple Steps To Embrace Legal Tech

by SimpleLaw on

There is plenty of activity in the legal tech business. Acquisitions, new entrants, and a continual stream of enhancements. It's great news for companies and investors. But it's also great news for legal professionals IF they embrace it instead of shy away from it. So, which are you doing? Use these simple steps to embrace legal tech to take control of your cases, practice, and time. 

Admit what you don't know.

No one has enough time to do everything on their list. Well, most people anyway. So start with what you don't know. And even if you have seen some demos of various legal tech options, things are changing so fast in legal tech that what you used to know is very likely different than what is current. 

Avoid asking everyone you know for their opinions.

We can't stress this one enough. There are as many opinions as there are people. And ultimately, only you know what works for you. Not every firm is the same or has the same requirements. It's about finding the tools that work for you. Even looking at online reviews can be dodgy. I'm a big Apple person. Love the interface. Love the simplicity. And it all makes sense to me. My sister is a big Android person. Same experience for her. She hands me her phone and I'm totally stumped. Same with her. Each person knows what works for them. Take the time to find out what works for you.

Look, look, and look. 

Yeah, this part can be time-consuming. Start with a shortlist of requirements for your legal tech. What are your biggest pain points? Where are you spending the most time on non-case-related work? We hear a lot about time tracking, invoicing, payments, document creation, and client communication. Whatever your pain points are, write them down and prioritize them. Which are absolute must-haves and which are nice to have? Consider point solutions like an independent time tracking tool versus a full platform that includes time tracking and other features. There are so many great platform options out there.  And, like SimpleLaw, the cost is under $50 per month. But remember to look past the most obvious choices. There are some real jewels, like us, that are kind of under the radar. 

Take the demo. Don't worry about sitting through the whole thing if it isn't working for you. Manage your time. Be upfront with the person giving you the demo, letting them know what your must-haves are, and focus on that. Take notes. If the platform gives you what you need and you like the interface, come back for a longer demo to see all of the benefits, even those not on your list. You can easily manage the time investment here.

Decide Publicly

We all have things on our to-do list that just don't happen. Part of the reason is we keep it to ourselves. Once you decide to adopt or change your legal tech, share that decision with someone. It helps keeps us accountable. Let your family members as well as co-workers or fellow professionals know. Connect with a user group or even better, work with the provider to help you get onboard. Trust me, as a provider, there isn't much we wouldn't do to help you. Well, speaking for SimpleLaw anyway. 

You can add some gamification to it, too, if you are a firm of more than one. Set up a friendly competition to track adoption. It could be who is saving the most time. Identify someone who found a cool way to use the software, specifically for your firm. You get the idea. You have no idea how much this helps with adoption. If you are a team of one, well, track it anyway and share it with the provider or family members. And celebrate the wins! Post it to your social media. Not only will this encourage you to keep going, but it can help attract clients who are looking for a digital-first experience. So many benefits.

Lean On The Tech

Now that you've adopted it, it's time to put the pedal to the metal, so to say. Look for new features. Stay in touch with the provider for ongoing enhancements. Have something you want the tech to do that it can't? Let your provider know. We are all ears. We want the software to transform the way you practice law. We want you to love it. So if you don't, let us know. And then, keep going. 

Change can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. Learn how to embrace legal tech to take control of your cases, practice, and time. We promise it's worth it.