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Wellness During Times of Stress

Written by SimpleLaw | 5/26/22 8:00 PM

To put it succinctly, it's been a week. Seems the flow of bad news is endless. It can quickly become overwhelming when you lay that on top of existing personal and professional life stresses. The first step is recognizing it. From there we have some great, easy, and fun tips to manage your way through it. 


We say this a lot. But it really makes a big difference. Even if it's a short walk around the block, taking the stairs instead of an elevator, or if you have (or make) the time to get a class in, do it. Get movement breaks throughout the day. Preferably, get outside to sunshine and fresh air. Movement triggers endorphins that trigger a positive feeling in the body. Literally, movement lifts your spirits.

We know time is tight. Even a 5-minute walk or stretch or a quick round of squats, lunges, or jumping jacks makes a difference. If you are ready to make a bigger commitment, find a friend to commit to getting exercise with. Not only are you more likely to stick to it, but it also helps with the next suggestion.

See Friends or Family

Connecting with people who are important to you is a good reminder that there are so many good things, too. Reach out to a friend you haven't spoken with in a while, just to say hello and check in. Who doesn't like getting that call? If your friends or family are not nearby, consider a video chat. It doesn't need to be a big-time commitment. Every minute of 'being' with people who are important to you is helpful.

Consider expanding your circle, too. You never know how and where you will meet new people. One thing is for sure, working extensive hours and then going home probably isn't going to make it easy to meet new people. Commit to making an effort. Try a new workout class you have been thinking about. Go to your local Bar Association's next get-together. Take up a new hobby, something you have wanted to do, or learn more about. You get the idea. Commit to making the effort and being open. There is far more to life than just work, but it takes effort. 

Eat Well

Nutrition is a big factor to overall health. Especially for people with very busy schedules, grabbing something quick usually means you are getting something that isn't entirely fresh. Instead of grabbing lunch at the nearby fast food restaurant, consider heading to the grocery store. Grab some fruit and yogurt or maybe a sandwich fresh from the deli. The fresher and less processed your food the better. 

Consider learning a bit more about nutrition. There are so many 'programs' out there, from Paleo to Vegan to Keto and beyond. However, understanding your basic nutrition needs is really the goal. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers a really great and free site where you can get tips on meal planning, prep, and learn more about nutrition. Take it in steps, too. Drastic changes are challenging. Do 1% better every day. 

Meditate or Practice Relaxation

When your body is stressed, it produces more cortisol. This triggers your fight or flight response. And we all know that isn't a great feeling. Meditation or other relaxation techniques helps keep your body from creating these distressing feelings. Practicing how to take an active role in managing that inner voice is key. Reminding yourself that your mind is causing your body to react, and telling your mind to basically chill out reduces that extreme feeling.

I'm a big fan of the Headspace app. Others prefer Calm. There are a few options out there. Try each and see what works for you. Not your jam? Check out YouTube. Plenty of breathing techniques to try. Consider yoga. You get the idea... try some things out and see what works for you.

Take A Vacation

We have all fallen into some bad habits with the pandemic. Working too long because, well, what else was there to do? It's time to take a break. Even if it's adding a Friday or Monday to a weekend. Taking a break from work is important not only for your wellness but also for your practice. Coming back refreshed, or at least a bit more refreshed, helps you be a better attorney, too.

Nothing wrong with a staycation but you have to get out of your home. It's simply too tempting to grab your computer or clean out a closet, or whatever other house things need attention. Take a real break, even if it's just one night. 

Maintaining your overall wellness is critical, not only to ensure you provide the best possible legal support but for the whole of your life. You will be surprised how much better you will feel by even taking the smallest steps.